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Showing results 3 to 8 of 8
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2014Globigerinoides ruber (w) morpho-specific response on past SSS and SST changes inferred from stable isotopes and geochemical proxies (Mg/Ca, Ba/Ca): A Gulf of Mexico PerspectiveΕρευνητικές Ομάδες ΘΑΛΗΣ – AHEG
2014Late Quaternary micropalaeontological record of a semi-enclosed marine basin, North Evoikos, central Aegean SeaΕρευνητικές Ομάδες ΘΑΛΗΣ – AHEG
2014Late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of South Evoikos Gulf (east – central Aegean Sea) by benthic foraminiferal assemblagesΕρευνητικές Ομάδες ΘΑΛΗΣ – AHEG
2015Late Quaternary paleoenvironmental reconstruction and paleoclimatic implications of the Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean) based on paleoceanographic indexes and stable isotopesΕρευνητικές Ομάδες ΘΑΛΗΣ – AHEG
2015Seismic stratigraphy and sedimentary evolution of the SW Cyclades plateauΕρευνητικές Ομάδες ΘΑΛΗΣ – AHEG
2015Upper Quaternary seismic stratigraphy and sequence development in an ever evolving marginal basin: The North Evoikos Gulf, east-central Aegean SeaΕρευνητικές Ομάδες ΘΑΛΗΣ – AHEG
Showing results 3 to 8 of 8