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Showing results 3 to 18 of 18
Full textDateTitleOrganisation
2013CoursesΤΕΙ Πάτρας
  2013High efficient Dye sensitized and Organic solar cells: A new perspective to the solar energy: A challenge for new market on PV cellsΤΕΙ Πάτρας
2012High efficient Dye sensitized solar cells: a new perspective to the solar energy conversionΤΕΙ Πάτρας
2013Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems: Design and Performance: Towards EU target for nearly zero energy buildings from 2020ΤΕΙ Πάτρας
2013Innovations and modern designs: The case of heating of the open swimming pool of AmaliadaΤΕΙ Πάτρας
2012Measurement of Solar Radiation; Calibration of PV cellsΤΕΙ Πάτρας
2013Nanotechnology and Materials Chemistry in New and Emerging Solar Cell and Lighting Technologies-IΤΕΙ Πάτρας
2012Photovoltaic cell and module physics and technologyΤΕΙ Πάτρας
2013Photovoltaic cell and module physics and technologyΤΕΙ Πάτρας
2012PV/Thermal collectorsΤΕΙ Πάτρας
2012Solar converters and devices to gain thermal energy and power: Principles, Design, Details and ExamplesΤΕΙ Πάτρας
2013Solar radiation prediction: The need and effectiveness of a delicate issueΤΕΙ Πάτρας
2012Stochastic prediction of hourly global solar radiation profilesΤΕΙ Πάτρας
-Ανανεώσιμες – Ήπιες Πηγές Ενέργειας-
2008Άνθρακες... ο θησαυρόςΚέντρο Περιβαλλοντικής Εκπαίδευσης Μελίτης
2013Γνωρίζοντας την κατοικία του χθες, σχεδιάζω την κατοικία του σήμερα.ΙΝΕΔΙΒΙΜ
Showing results 3 to 18 of 18