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Showing results 18 to 21 of 21
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2013Trends of body size evolution in the fossil record of insular Southeast AsiaΕρευνητικές Ομάδες ΘΑΛΗΣ – AHEG
2013Trends of body size evolution in the fossil record of insular Southeast AsiaΕρευνητικές Ομάδες ΘΑΛΗΣ – AHEG
2013Who killed the Cretan dwarfs? : The relation between late Quaternary environmental changes and the extinction of the Cretan megafaunaΕρευνητικές Ομάδες ΘΑΛΗΣ – AHEG
2014Why are there no giants at the dwarf’s feet? :Insular micromammals in the eastern MediterraneanΕρευνητικές Ομάδες ΘΑΛΗΣ – AHEG
Showing results 18 to 21 of 21